Saturday, December 5, 2009


Humans are strange creatures,
They approach each other,
with the guarded caution of territorial beasts,
suspicious, defensive,
Clad totally in the garb of social manners,
polite, formal, superficial,
But somewhere they discover a warming,

what confounds me totally however,
is when they are soon locked in,
nature's primal game,
their wilderness, once in such stark opposition,
now even wilder, but intermingled,
all defenses cast off, soul and body,
left open to grave harm,
without a care.

how did this happen, and when,
what moment, what things were said?
was anything said?
to pass this impossible chasm?

and it always happens.

i, the not amused, but confounded observer,
because i know,
its a game forever beyond me.

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